
Welcome to The Gargoyle - a free, weekly journal exploring themes of authenticity, creativity, and curiosity. You can also expect the occasional humor entry!

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Who I Am

My name is Rian Casey Cork, and I am a thirty-something writer searching for my authentic voice. I have been writing since I can remember, and have even published a few short stories along with tons of professional writing at my 9-to-5. But until now, I have never fully committed to putting my creative writing “out there.”

Like many Millenials who came of age during The Great Recession, I have held nearly a dozen different jobs since my early twenties. Currently, I work in Marketing and Development for a human services organization. At night, I write short fiction, nonfiction, and prose poetry.

If I could describe myself in one word, I would say: Curious.

Why Substack?

Substack has captured my interest and imagination for some time now. My gut says this is where good writing will be happening over the next few years, especially as we collectively move away from social media. There seems to be a remarkable community of writers on here, and I want to be part of that community. So here I am.

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Weekly newsletter exploring themes of authenticity, creativity, and curiosity.


Artist, writer, and founder of The Gargoyle - a newsletter and podcast exploring themes of authenticity, creativity, and curiosity.